So What's The Problem With Problem-Solving?
Good news, everyone! Today, I'm over at my blog on Psychology Today talking about one of the main barriers to communication I see in...

How To Set Yourself Up For Emotional Wellbeing
Caring for your mental health and wellbeing doesn't begin the moment you step into a counselor's office. How you take care of yourself...

What You Should Know When Disaster Strikes
Today, I'm over at Psychology Today talking about something near and dear to my heart and based on my recent experiences during Hurricane...

This Conversation Can Protect Your Relationship From Stress
Hey y'all! Today, I'm over at Psychology Today with an article about how to manage stress within your relationship. You can check it out...

7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Holiday Season
For most of us, the month of December arrives with equal parts excitement and anxiety. The holiday season brings with it so many fun and...