Great Outdoor Dates in Houston
As a couples counselor serving families in Houston, I believe strongly in the healing powers of a great date. Regularly scheduling time...

Great Dates: Garden Oaks/Oak Forest
As a couples counselor serving families in Houston, I believe strongly in the healing powers of a great date. Regularly scheduling time...

Great Dates: Downtown
As a couples counselor serving families in Houston, I believe strongly in the healing powers of a great date. Regularly scheduling time...

What You Need to Know About Nonverbal Communication
Imagine with me a typical Saturday at home. You are sitting on your couch checking out a show you've been dying to watch on Netflix when...

Great Dates: EaDo
As a couples counselor serving families in Houston, I believe strongly in the healing powers of a great date. Regularly scheduling time...

MHC Update: Communication 101
Last week, I had the honor of presenting at a local support group about how to communicate well with the ones you love. I love working...

Great Houston Dates: River Oaks
As a couples counselor serving families in Houston, I believe strongly in the healing powers of a great date. Regularly scheduling time...

Great Houston Dates: Montrose
As a couples counselor serving families in Houston, I believe strongly in the healing powers of a great date. Regularly scheduling time...

MHC Update: Stress-Proof Your Marriage
Last night, I had the honor of being asked to present about Stress & Marriage with a group sponsored by Memorial Drive Presbyterian...

So What's The Problem With Problem-Solving?
Good news, everyone! Today, I'm over at my blog on Psychology Today talking about one of the main barriers to communication I see in...