Mental Health Awareness Month: Depression
Have you heard? May is MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH and I’m looking forward to spreading the word about mental health & wellness. Each...

Mental Health Awareness Month: Anxiety
Have you heard? May is MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH and I’m looking forward to spreading the word about mental health & wellness. Each...

How To Set Yourself Up For Emotional Wellbeing
Caring for your mental health and wellbeing doesn't begin the moment you step into a counselor's office. How you take care of yourself...

How do I know I should see a counselor?
I'm excited to share the first video in a series I've planned for the upcoming weeks. As a licensed professional counselor, I'm...

Five Books That Can Transform Your Relationship
The amount of books dishing out relationship advice for a buck can be seriously overwhelming. It seems like everyone from TV game show...

5 Keys to Good Communication During Conflict
Good news, everyone! Today, I'm over at Psychology Today writing about how to communicate well during times of conflict in your...

Small Things Often: How to Become a Relationship Master
Howdy, everyone! Today, I'm posting over at Psychology Today about how the little things you do in your relationship make a big...

The Beginner's Guide to Gratitude
For many of us, by the time you’ve prepared your home for guests, cooked a delicious meal, and finally served the turkey, you are far too...

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Child's Growing Brain
Today, I'm so excited to be over at PsychCentral.com's World of Psychology blog writing about several different strategies that will help...

How Do We Heal From Trauma?
Welcome back as we continue in our final installment in our series answering several common questions about trauma. Our first two...